Living the life that you create, not the one created by someone elsePopular Opinions and Lives That We Live Very often we hear from other people – business leaders, friends, “coaches”, speakers claiming that they know what you want and need to be happy and successful. But how? How do they know what you want, like, and need to be happy and successful in life? They don’t, no one does, except for you. Only you know what you like and enjoy, what your goals and aspirations are, and what you see yourself doing in life. Now, this may not always be the best and brightest ideas that visit us, but at the end of the day that is what motivates, inspires, and brings a sense of happiness to us. Conditional Thinking and a Way of Life We are conditioned to think and act as everyone else, because, that is what is popular. For example, getting your full-time job and travel the world in search of exciting adventure and inspiration, seems to be a very popular thing to do now, and, therefore, everyone is encouraged to do the same. It sounds great and all, but what about commitment to your employer, commitment to your family to provide for them. How do you expect to do that if you are just going to get up, drop everything that you had worked so hard in building and travel to some remote tropical island, spending the money you do not have, after selling all of your possessions to buy one way tickets and to pay for the lodging for the first few days or weeks? It sounds like a fun vacation, but vacation from which you still need to come back into reality. It does not mean that you can eventually do exactly what I had just mentioned earlier, but there’s time and place for everything. Dropping everything by quitting your full-time job that pays your bills and buys food for you and your family, sounds like a big problem waiting to happen as soon as you run out of money and don’t have any backing in the form of long-term savings or supplemental income. Think for Yourself It's important to think for yourself, going after what you want versus what someone else is telling you, and doing what is right for you and your family at a specific point in time. There may be a time when quitting your unfulfilled job, which only brings you frustration and negative emptions, is the right thing to do. However, when this is the case, you typically know and ready to take the next step after securing another opportunity that you are excited about and are looking forward to, because, you find what you like and enjoy doing hopefully for many years to come. That’s called taking a calculated risk. Why risk? Because, you are taking on something new and not fully explored, therefore, there’s an element of risk present. Thus, before making an important decision that affects your and lives of your loved ones, ask yourself if this is something that you want to do, despite any recommendations you might have received from other people, and if it is the right thing to do at that specific point in time. Don't Think "Tip of the Iceberg" You will hear and see many different things that sound or look good on the surface. But, one thing you do not know is what had to transpire in someone’s life to achieve what they have achieved, what sacrifices that they had to make to get where they are today. Before they could talk about success and happiness that they now have. So, think for yourself, live your life, go after what you want, and create your own opportunities in life. I hope you enjoyed reading this module and found it to be very useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please feel free to share this post if you know someone who may benefit from reading it same way you did If you enjoy this blog module and are interested in receiving free Growth and Success Mindset Digest, delivered straight to your inbox with latest updates, then complete quick form at the bottom of this page and you will be on your way! It's that simple! You may also click the following link and sign up:
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