Overstepping your own beliefs and principles in order to Fit InWhy fit in? Whether you like it or not but unfortunately, we all live in the “fit in” culture, and it is not just in U.S., “fit in” culture is being lived and expected in many other countries around the world. What does this mean to us? This means that there’s generally an expectation for you to fit in with the crowd whether it is school, college, place of employment or even social gathering. Everyone expects you to act, speak, and look like those around you – your friends, colleague, and your peers. As soon as you are observed not following the crowd, their opinions, interests, actions, then you are viewed as someone who is out of their group or circle. So, do you want or need to fit in? The choice is completely yours. If you prefer to think for yourself, make your own decisions in life, creating your own life versus following what everyone else is doing, then the answer is obvious – no. What are the drawbacks of following a “fit in” culture and way of life? There are multiple drawbacks of living and embracing a “fit in” culture. Some of those reasons are: overstepping your own beliefs and principles that you have acquired over many years, including the knowledge and experience acquired from your parents, teachers, and other important figures that were and are still part of your life. Because the expectation of a “fit in” culture is to do and act as everyone else around you, you are essentially expected to forget your true goals, interests, and principles just so that you fit in and get accepted by others. Any goals and plans you had become irrelevant since you are now expected to follow someone else’s goals and plans. You are losing your uniqueness and individuality as a person once you decide to follow a crowd versus following you own path. What are the benefits of embracing a “fit in” culture? If you choose to embrace a “fit in” culture you will most likely see and experience almost immediate acceptance by like-minded groups of people, acquiring many people in your immediate circle who call themselves “friends,” when the reality is that they would be happy to leave you behind show their interests or beliefs change. You would most likely experience a much smoother career advancement path with minimal roadblocks, since you will be performing everything exactly as requested, regardless whether you like them or not. Less friction created by not expressing your own opinion, you are generally more liked and accepted by others. Being you or being part of the crowd We all make a choice how we want to be viewed and the life that we want to live. Each choice that we make ultimately creates a specific path in our life. You can choose to live the life powered by popular opinion and expectations, or the life that you build by being genuine and true to your goals and beliefs – by being unique and awesome you. I hope you enjoyed reading this module and found it to be very useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please feel free to share this post if you know someone who may benefit from reading it same way you did If you enjoy this blog module and are interested in receiving free Growth and Success Mindset Digest, delivered straight to your inbox with latest updates, then complete quick form at the bottom of this page and you will be on your way! It's that simple! You may also click the following link and sign up: http://eepurl.com/b0ReHz
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