Different types of wealth that we all seekSeeking material wealth For many of us obtaining a great amount of material wealth, such as: luxurious houses, prestigious cars, great amount of money, etc., is a number one goal in life. Everything that we do is to support our goal of acquiring more, bigger, and better, more luxurious and prestigious. We seek new employment or business opportunities just to put ourselves in a position of power and unlimited wealth, in order to satisfy our craving for more stuff, and not just any tangible items, but only the best. We are not satisfied with average or what other people came to appreciate, we want better, more expensive, something that only available to us. All our life we are chasing a goal that could never be fulfilled. Why? Because, there’s always be more ‘stuff’ for us to go after, something new and better, something that we may not already have in our possession. Just look at the example of new cell phones or tablets become available on the market. As soon as new smart phone is out, we are rushing to the store in order to upgrade our existing phone and continue paying more every month. But that does not matter, because, now we have the latest model of the phone that others may not have as of yet. So, where’s a stopping point? There’s none. We will continue to seek more and acquire more for as long as we live. Material wealth – Good or Bad? There’s nothing wrong with wanting something better, newer, more luxurious. It’s absolutely normal to want to improve our life and lives of those around us for a better by improving our lifestyle. Lifestyle improvement could include many different items, such as: moving into a nicer and safer neighborhood, purchasing a home and moving out of apartments, or buying a more spacious house to have more space for children to play, purchasing newer and better-quality vehicle so that we can stop throwing money on repairs or existing ones, etc. So, are all these lifestyle improvements bad? Of course not. It’s normal and expected to want a more comfortable life. However, what we often forget during the process of material wealth accumulation is creation and appreciation of our non-material wealth – that what makes us happy and peaceful inside, that which carries us forward and creates a balance in our lives – support and care of our family. Seeking and protecting our non-material wealth Have you ever met or know someone who has bare minimum material possessions, just enough to live comfortably, not in luxury, without expensive cars, houses, and other material items that many of us seek, yet they are some of the happiest people you know. Why? How can they be so happy and satisfied with their life when they have just enough to live a simple life? The answer to this is simple, they have what some of us do not, and that is unconditional support, love, and care of those who are close to us, our husbands, wives, children, and of course, our parents. They truly appreciate everything that they have in life, and less on the material side of things, but more on the non-material. They know that regardless what happens in this unpredictable thing we call life, they will have those who they love and care about by their side, both when life throws us challenges and when we are presented with opportunities. People who come to appreciate and cherish what and who they have in life versus living in a constant stress and desire for more, then to be happier and excited about opportunities that each day may bring. Why? Because they know that even if everything else fails, they will always have those who will support and encourage then not to give up but keep moving forward. Also, because their life does not solely dependent on acquiring more material wealth, they focus on finding opportunities to grow and develop themselves every day in anything they do, and as result, material possessions and lifestyle improvements come naturally. Even if those successes are small, someone who recognizes the importance of non-material wealth, appreciates and welcomes each and every opportunity as it enhances already happy and fulfilling life. True wealth that we all seek Regardless where you may be in life, remember that there are more to life than material wealth accumulation. Remember to pause, look around and appreciate everything and everyone you have in your life at any given moment in life, because, at the end of the day that is the true wealth that we all seek. I hope you enjoyed reading this module and found it to be very useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please feel free to share this post if you know someone who may benefit from reading it same way you did If you enjoy this blog module and are interested in receiving free Growth and Success Mindset Digest, delivered straight to your inbox with latest updates, then complete quick form at the bottom of this page and you will be on your way! It's that simple! You may also click the following link and sign up: http://eepurl.com/b0ReHz
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