An opportunity to find yourself in a busy world of todayFear of taking risks and uncertainty Many people talk about how bad they need and want to start their own business, however, very few are actually do start one. How often do you hear from your friends or family members how bad they want to start something of their own, be their own boss, create their own schedule, and make more money? I would say often. But why aren’t they actually taking necessary steps to actually start something, something they care and passionate about? The answer in most cases is fear and uncertainty. People do not know what they should expect once they choose to take a first step toward becoming self-employed, becoming an entrepreneur. They do not know if their business will turn out to be a successful one or the one that would fail. We are afraid to take risks because of the unknown. We do not want to fail and experience disappointment and discouragement, we are comfortable remaining in the same place where we are now, even though we know that remaining in the same position will not change our present or make it better. We are unhappy where we are, yet we choose to remain there because we are afraid to try. Why? Isn’t it worth to at least try and see what happens? What do you have to lose? If you fail, you will be right where you are today anyways. Some other reasons why many people choose to remain where they are: not enough time, no money, and existing obligations. These may look like valid reasons not to pursue your dream of starting your own business, but in actuality, these are simply excuses that we create in our minds to justify our lack of action. Creating excuses as a way to procrastinate Let’s take a closer look at first excuse - “lack of time.” Some would say that they cannot start their own business because they are working full time and don’t have time for anything else. But is that really the case? No one is telling you to quit your job to have more time in the day to dedicate to your business. One can still have and run their own business while working a full-time job. This also takes care of another excuse of having “existing obligations” to worry about, such as: paying bills, put food on family’s table, paying mortgage, etc. If you can manage working full time job, thereby continuing to bring in the money you need to take care of your obligations, at least until your business is off the ground and starts to bring in profit, and dedicating few minutes or hours each day to run your own business part time, then you can begin following your dream, doing what you are interested in and love. Is it possible to work full time and run your own business part time? Absolutely. All it takes is desire to try and dedication to keep going when it is difficult and when you are tired. This take care of two out of three excuses mentioned earlier. So, what about “not having the money or resources” excuse? No money and/or resources excuse Many people use this excuse all the time and continue to live the life they say that they want to change. When it comes to this excuse it’s important to remember that you do not have to start big, have a lot of money for a startup capital, have all the best tools or equipment. You can start with what you have today and do what you can today. What I am saying here is that you can start your own business with very minimal or no resources utilizing basic tools available to us. There’s a lot of free resources available online that we all have access to, all you need is an internet connection and few minutes of your time. If you don’t have an internet at home, then go to the library. Once your business gets going and you start making money, then you may begin investing more in marketing, and enhance existing tools and products. Time will never be right, therefore, there’s no reason to keep waiting. Our mind’s main function is to keep us safe. So, if you want to change where you are today, then you need to begin listening to your heart as well to understand what you truly want, not just what your mind is suggesting that you do. As T. Harv Eker said: “Lack of money is not a problem it is merely a symptom of what is going on inside of you.” Starting your own business as powerful personal development tool Starting your own business can be a very powerful tool in personal development and growth. The process of starting something new, taking a risk and stepping into the unknown can be one of the best ways to face and overcome your fears. It may be very challenging process at first, however, typically anything that is easy to reach or achieve is not worth pursuing as you are not learning when things are easy, you learn when things are challenging and difficult. Once you learn how to overcome your own fears and remove roadblocks on your path, you will gain a sense of power and courage, while obtaining knowledge and experience. Facing difficulties and engaging in the process of solution-finding can be a great way to uncover and understand your own opportunity areas and develop your strengths. Of course, when it comes to starting your own business, it is the choice that only you can make. So, you need to ask yourself what you want and if you are ready to pursue that what you want today. I hope you enjoyed reading this module and found it to be very useful for you or someone else that you may know. 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