Personal Development, Leadership, and Motivation Blog SeriesI am sure you’ve heard about pro-active and re-active approaches at work, in your place of business, or somewhere else outside of business walls. This type of conversation would typically come up when discussing almost late to late projects – re-active, or advanced planning and strategy – pro-active. Why understanding the difference between two approaches matters and how this knowledge can be used in daily business and personal life applications? Re-Active Approach to problem solving and life situations Re-active approach could also be associated with procrastination. Since, I believe, we all know what procrastination is, understanding re-active approach in business and life should be rather simple. The way I view re-active approach is when projects or tasks are assigned by business leader(s) to an individual to complete by specific deadline, while meeting certain quality standards expected by the company, however, despite all these expectations and requirements the person responsible for completion of these tasks fails to understand, plan, and begin acting on the task at hand until it is near or right at deadline. What happens as result of practicing re-active approach and procrastination? What typically happens when someone chooses to procrastinate and follow more re-active, delayed approach, is sacrifice in quality, since you have very little or no time to effectively plan, brainstorm, organize and execute on a plan, which in turn causes for the project or task to be completed very close or even past deadline. Low quality and/or missed deadlines create unhappy leadership team and negative impact on person’s professional reputation. Who wants to be this person, I would guess not many people would want to be in such situation, as it does not provide any benefit to a person’s growth and career development. What is an example of re-active approach in personal life outside of business environment? Consider taking your family on a trip to Disney World for the very first time. Many first-timers to Disney World know that such trip with family and kids requires a lot of pre-planning and organization several months in advance. However, very few people and families whose to follow recommendations of others and begin planning when it is almost time to leave for the trip, if planning at all, not reviewing all available resources online and offline with many different recommendations to save money and create once a lifetime experience for the parents and children alike. As a result, many things such as renting a stroller for smaller kids, food passes, park passes, lodgings, transportation, becomes a headache when family arrives at Disney Worlds, and instead of enjoying the time with kids, parents spend countless hours and large amount of money tending to what is needed vs. relaxing, which usually results in frustration and less than exceptional Disney experience. That is an example of re-active approach to planning. Is this the experience that you want? Pro-Active approach and its application in business and personal life Pro-active approach is, of course, the opposite of re-active. This approach in business and personal life outside of business walls encompasses acting on tasks and projects at hand immediately, creating plan and timeline for project’s completion in advance of the deadline set, making sure that all expectations and requirements are met ahead of time, and keeping business leaders in the know about projects progress without being reminded to do so. With pro-active approach to timelines and problem discovery and solution can be uncovered much quicker and with higher quality, due to project owner having adequate amount of time to engage many different resources for their assistance and valuable feedback. As a result, with pro-active approach business leaders know exactly where business is going and timelines when previously set milestones will be reached. Thus, everyone is happy and satisfied with results. Same Disney planning exampled shared earlier can be used for explaining a real-life application of the pro-active approach, all that you need to do is look at that same example from a different angle, when all recommended planning and preparation steps were completed several months in advance vs. waiting until the last minute. Why am I sharing these two approaches? How does understanding of each one can help someone in improving personally and professionally? The reason why understanding the difference and application of these two different approaches is important is, because, depending on which approach we choose and/or prefer usually results in the outcome typical for each one. So, if our preferred approach is more re-active to everything we do, then we should expect to remain where we are today with very limited movement forward to where we desire to be. Do we want to procrastinate and have a vacation filled with frustration, or do we want to have a great time with our family filled with joy and happiness? The choice is ours to make, and the way we choose to live our personal and professional life is also ours. Enjoyed this module and interested in receiving free Weekly Leadership Digest, delivered straight to your inbox with latest updates, then complete quick form at the bottom of this page and you will be on your way! It's that simple! You may also click the following link and sign up:
Jay Colby
4/4/2017 11:01:04 am
This is truly some great information we can all use for our brands.
4/4/2017 10:50:35 pm
Thank you for your feedback, Jay. I am glad that you found this post helpful
4/4/2017 08:30:29 pm
I am super pro-active by nature, it's been a blessing and a curse. I have also been known to be a little impulsive but i like to embrace my failures and pivot with them. This post had great ideas on how to pre-plan, thanks so much for sharing.
4/4/2017 11:01:28 pm
Hi Jessica. thank you for your feedback and sharing little bit about you. I can definitely relate as I am also very pro-active by nature. Personally, I think it is a great character trait to have as it helps you to get ahead in life by being on top of your game most of the time.
4/5/2017 07:02:21 am
I'm proactive by nature and have found that it's carried over into work. I recently moved to a larger company where I have to interact with many levels of management to complete a project. Pre-planning is a must!
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/5/2017 09:40:17 pm
Hi Cheryl. Thank you very much for sharing. Pre-planning can certainly be the main contributing factor in project's success and piece of mind
tara pittman
4/6/2017 01:32:06 pm
I think I am a re-active planner. One does have to plan to be sucessful.
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/7/2017 09:40:06 am
Thank you for your comments, Tara. The approach that we choose is unique to each individual person and how we understand and envision the pocess of goal setting and time it takes to achieve them
Amber Myers
4/6/2017 02:48:56 pm
This is so helpful! I tend to procrastinate, but I'm getting better at it.
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/7/2017 09:34:45 am
That's great news, Amber. Procrastination can be replaced with action through practice and commitment to overcome previously set habits. Thank you for sharing
4/6/2017 08:06:47 pm
I would say reactive approach because of the circumstances and not able to give more time to my work.
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/7/2017 09:31:52 am
Hi Sarah. Thank you for sharing. I know often certain circumstances that we may be facing could significantly imact the desired progress or outcome we hope to achieve. Of course, each situation is different and unique to a person, and I've been in many situations where I thought that there was no reason for me to be proactive, until I realized that being proactive was the only way to achieve personal performance benchmarks I set for myself.
4/7/2017 09:02:36 am
Thanks for sharing the two approaches. It really helps to understand which one works best for me.
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/7/2017 09:15:36 am
You are welcome, Fatima. Great to hear that you found this post helpful. Thank you for sharing
4/7/2017 09:40:54 am
I am a little bit of both. If I'm determined to get things accomplish, I will be pro-active. If life and my body is telling me I've done too much and need a break I can be re-active for too long and end up letting myself get behind.
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/7/2017 10:43:16 am
Thank you for sharing, Victoria. This is exactly what many of us fight with every day. Do we choose to be proactive and continue to get closer to achieving our objectives, or we choose to be reactive and fall further back away from the finish line
Jay Simms
4/7/2017 11:08:46 am
I am a little bit of both, really depending on the day and what all I need to get done. Thanks for sharing this.
Erin Fesperman
4/7/2017 05:32:16 pm
I am such a procrastinator - only because I work for myself and I can usually find a million and one other things to do instead of what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing. I honestly need to work on this!
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/7/2017 09:17:01 pm
Hi Erin. Thank you for sharing. The first step in self improvement is recognizing an opportunity areas to improve in, which is exactly what you are doing. First step has been completed, now it's time to make commitment and do it. I would start with to do list with items to complete daily based on their level of importance and urgency, and deadlines to complete each. I hope this helps
Elizabeth O.
4/7/2017 08:21:25 pm
I think it will always depend on the situation. Some would call for a pro-active approach while others would call for a reactive one.
Leigh Anne Borders
4/7/2017 08:49:21 pm
I try to be proactive. I think this is part of being a teacher.
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/7/2017 09:37:37 pm
You are welcome, Andrea. Being proactive is a habit that must be developed, and yes, it can be challenging at times.
4/9/2017 11:00:10 pm
Hi Ruth. Thank you for your feedback and comments. It seems like even though you see yourself as someone who is pro-active, there's something that is adding a sense of doubt. Sometimes, when we try our hardest to be pro-active, something or someone creates a roadblock that challenges our willingness to display our pro-active approach. However, it's important to remember that it roadblocks are temporary and solution is always somewhere near
Annemarie LeBlanc
4/9/2017 06:25:09 am
I enjoyed reading this post. Years ago, when I started working as a corporate slave, I was full of ideas and was very proactive in giving suggestions on how to make the workload easier. But then my supervisor saw it as me trying to get her position. I had to find a different company, where my input was valued and appreciated. I am now my own boss, taking with me all the lessons I learned and still very proactive. It helped me get to where I am now.
4/9/2017 10:54:31 pm
Hi Annemaire. Thank you for sharing your story. It's great to see and hear real-life examples when by being pro-active we eventually achieve the life we are seeking. In this case you are now your own boss, which is awesome. Wish you the best!
4/9/2017 08:37:18 am
I have phases were I am super focused and other times when I am very proactive, it all depends on how I am feeling. Procrastination can come calling when it wants me to be off my game lol x
4/9/2017 11:04:11 pm
Hi Ana, thank you for sharing. Procrastination is definitely something that we all need to be aware of at all times. Various different factors and distractions can create challenges to our productivity. So, it's important to always stick to the plan every day until goals that you've set have been reached
Aleksandr Kheyson
4/10/2017 09:37:33 am
Hi Nicole. Thank you for your comments and feedback.
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