Hey everyone, In module 18 I continue to discuss attributes of a successful leader and this time it is Courage. Having courage is an essential attribute of any a successful leader. As leaders we are constantly faced with decisions that we need to make at home and in our business. Most of those decisions require courage and determination, because, a lot of time you don't know what the outcome will be from the decision that you will make. Many people live in the 'what if' world, where we ask ourselves 'what if' question before making any decisions. This way of thinking often results in a postponed decisions or the ones that are never made.Therefore, we must change the process of decision making and instead of asking 'what if' question, we ask 'what if I don't' question before the decision is made. This will help you to understand the consequences of actions that you take or don't take. Hey everyone,
In module 18 I continue to discuss attributes of a successful leader and this time it is Courage. Having courage is an essential attribute of any a successful leader. As leaders we are constantly faced with decisions that we need to make at home and in our business. Most of those decisions require courage and determination, because, a lot of time you don't know what the outcome will be from the decision that you will make. Many people live in the 'what if' world, where we ask ourselves 'what if' question before making any decisions. This way of thinking often results in a postponed decisions or the ones that are never made.Therefore, we must change the process of decision making and instead of asking 'what if' question, we ask 'what if I don't' question before the decision is made. This will help you to understand the consequences of actions that you take or don't take. As leaders we will be faced with obstacles and fears in our journey towards becoming a better leader and personal development. How we look at the obstacles and fears that we face will also determine our next step, will we move forward or backwards. Therefore, it is important to face your fears and view every obstacle as a challenge and think of ways to overcome that challenge. If you look at any obstacle as a challenge you will soon find a solution and way to break through your fear and overcome the challenge at hand. Key takeaways from this module:
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